-digital.docx HouseStyle business outside the digital asset exchange, excluding the dealers who act in the manner as specified in the notification of the SEC. “digital token portal service provider” means a
คุ้มครองนักลงทุนและ https://www.sec.or.th/TH/Documents/Seminars/seminar-240667-01-th.pdf HouseStyle business outside the digital asset exchange, excluding the dealers who act in the manner as specified in
the notification of the SEC. “ digital asset ” means cryptocurrency and digital token https://www.sec.or.th/TH/Documents/ActandRoyalEnactment/Act/translate-digital.docx HouseStyle business outside the
their equity securities outside the issuer’s home jurisdiction. With this strong collaboration, it is expected that a corporation from Cambodia would become the first foreign company listed on the
the power to allow direct access for a person other than the SET's member to purchase or sell listed securities, grant additional exemption to members to trade listed securities outside the SET, and
system.In case of the SECC?s subsidiary, SECC Holding Co., Ltd., making loans to four outside parties in the total amount of 245 million baht, as the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (1992) requires that
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high-risk or complex characteristics outside the offices of intermediaries shall comply with the regulations under Chapter 7. Clause 4 In cases where there is a necessary and reasonable ground, the SEC
high-risk or complex characteristics outside the offices of intermediaries shall comply with the regulations under Chapter 7. Clause 4 In cases where there is a necessary and reasonable ground, the SEC
28.6% 12.3 20.6 8.3 67.5% Revenue from maintenance services to outside - - 47.8 - (47.8) N.A. (100) Sales from Biomass Power Plants 671.5 677.4 756.7 782.1 25.4 3.4% 2,603.3