. The Thai Listed Companies Association (LCA) has rendered active cooperation and support to the assessment preparation by, for instance, being the center for sharing lessons and experience in organizing
Mekong region. It reflected the shared visions and regional support toward the SEC Thailand?s initiatives in building a network for Mekong capital markets cooperation. I am confident that with active
artificial intelligence analytics. Private Cloud Provide private cloud solution Active-Active architecture. EV charger with high quality and cost efficiency support using in private or public commercial
(“foreign active ETF”) ที่กองทุนรวมฟีดเดอร์(feeder fund)1 หรือกองทุนรวมหน่วยลงทุน (fund of funds)2ꃂ㰀⼀猀甀瀀㸀䐀ᜎ∎䐎ᬎ┎ᜎ㠎ᤎ䈀ᐎ∎ᬎㄎࠎࠎ㠎ᨎㄎᤎᨎ⌎㐎⤎ㄎᜎࠎㄎᐎĎ㈎⌎Ďⴎᜎ㠎ᤎ⠎ᰀᨠ⌎㐎⤎ㄎᜎࠎㄎᐎĎ㈎⌎ᴎ⤠ ᔀ䤎ⴎᔎ㐎ᐎᔎ㈎ℎĎ㈎⌎Ў✎ᨎЎ㠎ℎⴎㄎᔎ⌎㈎⨎䠎✎ᤎᐎㄎ
customers had a temporary delay of payment. However, the said customers still have the active status and can make the payment to the Company continuous increasing after ended of quarter 2. In addition
had higher sales than the quarter 4 of year 2017. However the said customers still have the active status. Whereas cash and cash equivalent decreased Baht 31.04 million mostly from repayment of loan and
loss whereas the number of active stores were decreased from 141 stores to 102 stores compare with the same period of last year. Cost of Sales and Gross Profit In the 1st Quarter of 2018, the Cost of
companies from possessing characteristics of an investment company in investments without active involvement in management. This includes investments in securities, derivatives or digital assets at a
50_DEF_DA_ACCOUNT_TH.doc Page | 6 คำอธิบายข้อมูล รหัสของตาราง DA_ACCOUNT_TH ชื่อตาราง จำนวนบัญชีซื้อขาย สินทรัพย์ ดิจิทัล ที่ active รายเดือน แยกตามประเภทผู้ลงทุน (เฉพาะบัญชี Exchange & Broker) ความถี่ของข้อมูล ความล่าช้า
securities issuers / listed companies from possessing characteristics of an investment company in investments without active involvement in management. This includes investments in securities, derivatives or