Authority. With a concern for its staff's work-life balance, the SEC provided conducive working environment, physical and mental healthiness programs, as well as staff relations activities on special
going-concern basis”) และเมื่อไม่สามารถด าเนินกิจการต่อไปได้ 1 (“loss absorption on a gone-concern basis”) ความเสี่ยงและ ผลกระทบต่อผู้ลงทุนภายใต้สถานการณ์ต่าง ๆ เป็นต้น 2) เปรียบเทียบความแตกต่างของลักษณะ
forward, any improvement in the global economy will mainly hinge on the above factors. As a result, several central banks are expected to maintain their accommodative stance. Even though the Federal Reserve
), trademark (THB 342 million), building and improvement (THB 54 million) and leasehold improvement (THB 23 million) The consolidated loss of YE 2018 is THB 345 million, increasing by 86% from last year (YE 2017
-label goods, as well as the continuous efficiency improvement in product purchase planning of HomePro, Mega Home, and HomePro in Malaysia. 3. Cost of rental and service was Baht 584.20 million, a decrease
, the tourism sector and a recovery in exports due to an improvement in the economies of our trading partners. As a result there has been an increase in the purchasing power of consumers in major cities
16,553.01 million baht and 1,419.84 million baht respectively, increasing 4.10% and 13.73% from the previous year. Furthermore, the company has continued to focus on both operational efficiency improvement
decreased of beverages sales, which partly offset by reduction of raw materials and packaging cost, and administrative expenses due to efficiency improvement. Oishi Group Financial Performance for six-month
absorption on a going-concern basis”) และเม่ือไม่สามารถด าเนินกิจการต่อไปได ้4 (“loss absorption on a gone-concern basis”) ความเส่ียง และผลกระทบต่อผูล้งทุนภายใตส้ถานการณ์ต่าง ๆ เป็นตน้ (2) เปรียบเทียบความแตก
improvement of customer services were well implemented. The Company’s gross profit in the first quarter of 2018 was Baht 163.66 million, increased from Baht 139.31 million in the first of quarter of 2017 or