, the SEC Office shall have the authority to prescribed and notify any detailed criteria on the matters prescribed in this Notifications for the purpose of clarity in practice and for inspection by the
sufficient clarity to enable the identification and assessment of risks relating to objectives. Questions Yes No 6.1 The company is able to comply with the generally accepted accounting principles which is
to promote clarity in practice and for the Office to effectively monitor the operation. Clause 26. In the case where the Office finds that that any securities company violates or fails to comply with
subject as prescribe in this Notification in order to promote clarity in practice and for the Office to effectively monitor the operation. Clause 26. In the case where the Office finds that that any
___________________ Clause 14. For clarity and to ensure that the SEC Office’s discretion has been reviewed as appropriate, the SEC Office shall prohibit any person from performing duties, or suspend or revoke the
clarity, a checklist of recommended or necessary pre- and post-issuance disclosures is provided in Appendix II of the SLBP. To ensure a smooth governance process, some issuers may find it convenient to make
identified the Office shall have the power to prescribe rules, conditions, and procedures in details pertaining to related subject as prescribe in this Notification in order to promote clarity in practice and
Reform Priorities in Asia: Taking Corporate Governance to a Higher Level Taking Corporate Governance to a Higher Level reform priorities in Asia 2011 REFORM PRIORITIES IN ASIA: TAKING CORPORATE GOVERNANCE TO A HIGHER LEVEL 2011 This work is published on the responsibility of the Secretary-General of the OECD. The opinions expressed and arguments employed herein do not necessarily reflect the official views of the Organisation or of the governments of its member countries. This document and any m...
Standard and Certification Scheme does not support investments in the fossil fuel and nuclear sectors, and water infrastructure for these sectors is not covered by these Criteria, or any others. • Assets
ประมาณการ (Approximate analysis) สำหรับเศษชิ้นส่วนแต่ละประเภท (ค่าความ ร้อน (Calorific value) ปริมาณคาร์บอนรวม สัดส่วนคาร์บอนที่เกิดจากเชื้อเพลิงฟอสซิลโดยประมาณ (Estimated proportion of fossil carbon