statements with disclaimed opinion of auditor (the same one who arranges the special audit) because of limitation on scope in auditing caused by the management of DAIDO. Since such type of financial statements
Determination of Characteristics of Bills Deemed as Securities (No. 2)
statements for the third quarter of 2016, which had failed to present correct information on the liabilities incurred from the bills of exchange issuance. The initial deadline for submitting the special audit
liabilities incurred from the bills of exchange issuance.The initial deadline for submitting the special audit report and the amended financial statements was 6 February 2017.KC requested an extension to the
Earlier, {X1} had under recorded its liabilities for short-term bills of exchange (B/E) in the annual financial statements for the financial year 2015. The SEC then reviewed the work of {X1}’s
Re: Determination of Characteristics of Investors for the Purpose of Notifications Relating to Bills
concerning the issuance of bills of exchanges, the related receipt and payment transactions, the accounting records practice, and the questionable transactions of land sales and purchases. The company was also
concerning the issuance of bills of exchanges, the related receipt and payment transactions, the accounting records practice, and the questionable transactions of land sales and purchases. The company was also
.Earlier, the SEC ordered KC to have a special audit on the internal control system concerning the issuance of bills of exchanges, the related receipt and payment transactions, the accounting records
Repeal of Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board concerning Execution of Transaction in Bills by Securities Company