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undertake more varieties of businesses, while welcoming newcomers and advanced technology to serve investors? increasing demands. In addition, efficiency of legal enforcement will be enhanced by improving
trustworthy and proactive organization, improving the Thai capital market to become an increasingly efficient and significant source of financing, and in parallel, increasing contributions to the country's
. Supervision of Mutual Fund Management and Fund Voting 4/10 • Enhancing mutual fund management supervision for better protection of unitholders’ interests • Improving fund voting mechanism for asset management
more than 12,000,000 baht. 2. AEONTS engage service agreement with SIGMAXYZ Inc. (which is not related person of the company) in the New Collection system development for improving the systems to be more
HomePro Fair at Hat Yai and Khon Kaen. Overall sales are satisfactory. The HomePro business in Malaysia is focused on increasing same store sales, while the company continues to work on improving the
means these are potential markets. We will work hard to maintain our market share in domestic market by improving our sales strategy, developing new products fulfilling market needs and continuing to grow
as compared. The Company has continuously enhanced its performance by improving its net profit margin during the same period of previous year as compared. Please be informed accordingly. Sincerely
growth in the future as well as loss recognition of Baht 8 million from MMBC. However, losses from MMBC loss was improving, foreseen, and undergoing following the Company’s plan, while the loss was