148.66 million from as of 31 December 2019. This caused by the increase of the outstanding balance of the overdrafts and short-term loans from the financial institutions increasing from the amount of Baht
to financial institutions and Fees for applying for loans from financial institutions were increased. Tax expenses The Company and its subsidiaries' tax expenses was decreased THB 2.96 million or 61.72
order to reduce commercial banks’ burdens for assisting customers during the Covid-19 outbreak. Moreover, the adoption of TFRS 9 since January 2020 has required financial institutions to calculate
front, the lower employment rate and high household debt causing most of the financial institutions to offload their NPLs and NPAs for asset management companies (AMCs) to manage further. The competition
financing cost to the total revenues were decreased by 1.3%.and 1.0% respectively, which decreased of the loans from financial institutions. In addition, the company is a good customer of financial
Resolving Financial Institutions Problems (Type II Fund), Mutual Funds for Resolving Financial Institutions Problems (Type III Fund) and Property and Loan Funds (Type IV Fund). Thai ETFs on foreign ETFsUnder
Business Leader and Asia’s Financial Institutions Segment Leader, Mercer (Thailand) Limited5. นางณัฐญา นิยมานุสร ผู้ช่วยเลขาธิการ ก.ล.ต.นางวรัชญา ศรีมาจันทร์ รองเลขาธิการ ก.ล.ต. ร่วมบรรยายในช่วงประชุมเชิง
inspection findings related to the audits of public companies around the world. The findings in the audits on major financial institutions were also forwarded to the Financial Stability Board (FSB) as
waiver from an event of default under the terms and conditions in the case where the bond issuer mortgages the company's assets to financial institutions for purposes not limited to securing loan
subsidiaries had debenture stock and bill of exchange, short-term loan and long-term loan borrowing from financial institutions, trade account payable and other account payable for working capital, investment in