financial statements for the year 2023 and the third quarter of 2024 and subsequently submit the rectified financial statements that would have been audited and reviewed respectively by the auditor, and
follows: Clause 11 This Notification shall apply to the approval of foreign auditors whereby an auditor approved by the SEC Office under this Notification shall be allowed to perform an audit work and affix
Establishment and Management of Collective Investment Schemes and Section 59 of the Trust for Transactions in Capital Market Act B. E. 2550 (2007) stipulate that the auditor who affixes signature in the auditor’s
COMPANY LIMITED SEC orders EIC to cooperate with auditor and rectify financial statements for 2014 and 2015 09/06/2015 X BIOSCIENCE PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED SEC notifies EIC to cooperate with auditor Form 56
. Earlier, the SEC notified SINGHA to rectify its 2010 financial statements (submitted to the SEC on February 27, 2012) due to limitation of audit scope by the company?s management causing the auditor to
of receiving reports from the auditor in case the auditor finds any facts relating to suspicious circumstances where the directors, managers or any persons responsible for the operation of the company
reviewed by Ms. Tipsuda Chumnanvanichkul, an auditor of KPMG Phoomchai Audit Ltd. Consequently, CIRKIT must submit the revised financial statements to the SEC by February 1, 2005. The SEC founded that
reviewed by Ms. Tipsuda Chumnanvanichkul, an auditor of KPMG Phoomchai Audit Ltd. Consequently, CIRKIT must submit the revised financial statements to the SEC by February 1, 2005. The SEC founded that
BANGKOK, December 22, 2006 ? The SEC ordered Siam General Factoring Plc. ("SGF") to rectify its financial statements for the third quarter of 2006 regarding the items viewed by the auditor to be
the debt owed by Mr. Suthat Suklert, who had agreed to take on the debt for Mr. Sutin Jaitham and Ms. Charuwan Bhusanabhibankup, to mislead the company's auditor into believing that the debtor