. The meeting also urged that TIA enhance efficiency of proxy voting mechanism, publicize opinions and recommendations regarding listed companies? questionable transactions that may affect shareholders
organizations for their outstanding achievements in deploying information and communication technologies to enhance efficiency, capacity and operation. FutureGov Awards are divided into 16 categories: (1
also resembles, while we will continue to improve on our journey to zero injuries. Operationally our continued focus on quality and services resulted in recognition from our customers in the form of
. Sutasanee Karnasuta Objectives of bor rowing To enhance the company’s liquidity Borrowing amount Total amount 20,000,000 Baht which are: 1. 12,000,000 Baht by K Alliance Company Limited 2. 8,000,00 Baht by
could ultimately enhance their retirement savings and income.The Provident Fund Act B.E. 2530 (1987) was originally designed to support a voluntary defined contribution scheme. With the proposal of the
has been shortened to five business days (from 30 business days). The revised rules and procedures are part of the Change Program to enhance the SEC?s overall efficiency and flexibility in response to
for normal situations, business operators must receive the SEC’s prior approval. Hence, business operators requested more clarity as to which operational systems are required and a streamlined process
Pursuant to the Emergency Decree on Digital Asset Businesses of 2018, digital asset business operators are required to obtain a relevant license from the Minister of Finance. Since 2018, three types
เวลาเทานั้น อาจทํา ใหมีปญหาเกี่ยวกับการควบคมุดูแลผูจัดการกองทุนในทางปฏิบัติ 1.2 กรณี upgrade คุณสมบัติดานความรูของผูจัดการกองทุน โดยมีทางเลือก ไดแก 1.2.1 ได CFA/ CISA 1 และมีประสบการณทํางาน 3
. Customers were required to commit to a certain price plan to improve ARPU level through data and device bunding packages. Meanwhile, there were campaigns and offerings in prepaid segment at a minimal scale