transaction The Company intends to sell 1 plastic fabric producing machine and 59 plastic sack weaving machines, which are used in the production of plastic fabric and then to produce plastic sacks. The machine
support the Company’s financial liquidity, capital structure, potential for generating income in the future and the better financial status as the Company does not create an additional liability from loan
. Our domestic performance has been strengthen by the product strategies that are not only limited to rolling out branded products by 3rd party manufacture, ranging from Drinking Water launched since the
allow the Company to produce a wider range of products with higher production efficiency and lower production cost. The greater production capability of the new machinery line will also create more
continued to produce many more successful movies, proving its strength in this industry. The location comprises of 12,935 Square Meters having capacity for up to 10,950 tourists per day. Mega Bangna is now
Marvel in December 31, 1999 with the value of USD 4,300 million. Marvel has continued to produce many more successful movies, proving its strength in this industry. The location comprises of 12,935 Square
to manufacture and commercialize sustainable polyester resin to meet growing global demand. IVL will have an exclusive, world-wide license to use Loop’s technology to produce 100% sustainably produced
and subsidiary recorded a sales volume of 377,487 tons, decreased by 11,662 tons or 3% QoQ but increased by 61,770 tons or 20% YoY. (Separated Financial Statement: In Q2/2018, the company produce for GJ
Tolling Agreement. The Company has been seeking funds from an external source for working capital purpose and preparing to get ready to produce for own sale again and can resume the operation in early of
.................................................................................................................................. 32 Engagement to Create Common Investment Standards ................................................................................. 33 The Rise of Stewardship Codes