ordinary course of business under normal commercial terms. The service provider is an expertise in marketing consultant including customer relationship management system, business related information
Agreement 4. Size of transaction : Baht 8,380,000.00 Term of Services : 12 months The above transaction is classified as a connected transaction which supports ordinary course of business under normal
มาลงทุนระยะยาว (3) กรณี regular saving ควรสามารถใหของสมนาคุณในอัตราที่มากกวาการลงทุนในกรณีอ่ืน เพื่อเปนการกระตุนใหเกดิการออมในระยะยาว เหตุผล การกําหนดอัตราของสมนาคุณเปนไปตามที่สมาคมที่เกี่ยว
government's relaxation of COVID-19 control measures. Businesses and educational bodies were able to resume regular operations, leading to a return to work and conventional teaching methods on physical sites
hold NDR’s ordinary shares for 20.31% of paid-up Capital and appoint the representative as NDR’s director even though the representative of CRSB is not an executive who controls power in normal operation
hold NDR’s ordinary shares for 20.31% of paid-up Capital and appoint the representative as NDR’s director even though the representative of CRSB is not an executive who controls power in normal operation
normal operation of NDR. 3.3 The Notification of Connected Transactions The acquisition of FKRMM’s wholly shares and issuance of new ordinary shares as a compensation of this transaction is categorized as
Agreement 4. Size of transaction : Baht 8,380,000.00 Term of Services : 12 months The above transaction is classified as a connected transaction which supports ordinary course of business under normal
who have long-term debt obligations. We are therefore closely monitoring and analyzing related developments. Subject to our regular reviews and improvements in liquidity risk management processes at
-Translation- No. ECF2 005/2019 17 January 2019 Subject: Cancellation of the resolutions of the Board of Directors’ Meeting No. 13/2018 in relation to the investment in the ordinary shares of S-TREK