- Authorized 140.00 140.00 - - Issued and paid-up 140.00 100.00 40.00 40.00 Share premium 246.11 - 246.11 n.a. Retained earning Appropriated - legal reserve 5.09 5.09 - - Unappropriated 63.87 44.31 19.56 44.13
110 per share, totaling of Baht 9.90 million from the shareholders of Trans.Ad (the “Sellers”) who are not the related persons of the Company (the “Transaction”). This Transaction is considered as an
investment 564 - N/A N/A Doubtful debts (reversal) 508 -1 508 -92825% Loss on impairment of investments 11 - N/A N/A EBIT before share of profit from investment in associates and joint venture 237 1,405 -1,168
paid-up 100.00 100.00 - - Retained earning Appropriated - legal reserve 5.09 1.13 3.96 100.00 Unappropriated 44.31 29.98 14.33 47.80 Equity attributable to owners of the parent - Share based payment 8.45
) Employee benefit obligations 1.79 0.97 0.82 84.46 Total non-current liabilities 190.89 229.19 (38.30) (16.71) Total liabilities 587.62 463.43 124.18 26.80 Equity Share Capital - Authorized 100.00 58.50 41.50
) Employee benefit obligations 1.79 0.97 0.82 84.46 Total non-current liabilities 190.89 229.19 (38.30) (16.71) Total liabilities 587.62 463.43 124.18 26.80 Equity Share Capital - Authorized 100.00 58.50 41.50
. (“Trans.Ad”) at the price of Baht 110 per share, totaling of Baht 9.90 million from the shareholders of Trans.Ad (the “Sellers”) who are not the related persons of the Company (the “Transaction”). This
that the acquisition of shareholding of Rajthanee-Rojana Hospital is appropriated and profitable to the company as following reasons. No. Name Relationship to the Company Number of share in the Company
- - Issued and paid-up 140.00 140.00 - - Share premium 246.11 246.11 - - Retained earning Appropriated - legal reserve 9.15 9.15 - - Unappropriated 107.36 87.31 20.05 22.96 Equity attributable to owners of the
7.5 Share Premium 703.2 603.0 100.2 16.6 Share subscription received in advance form exercise warrants 66.6 - 66.6 100.0 Unappropriated Retained earnings 1,530.2 1,651.1 (120.9) (7.3) Total shareholders