อื่น (soft commission) (4) การลงทุนเพื่อเป็นทรัพย์สินของบริษัทจัดการ (proprietary trading) ดังนี้ (1) ประเภทบุคคลที่สำนักงานประกาศเพิ่มเติมให้เป็นบุคคลที่เกี่ยวข้อง
173,206 with representing 9% of total company customers. The Company and subsidiaries have managed liquidity risk of operating cash flow under the COVID-19 situation with soft loan facilities in the amount
163.17 42.9% 202.75 46.0% 39.58 24.3% SG&A 58.51 15.4% 83.78 19.0% 25.27 43.2% EBIT 104.66 27.5% 118.97 27.0% 14.31 13.7% Share of Gain in Associates - - 0.51 0.1% 0.51 - Interest Expenses 0.48 0.1% 0.35
มูลค่า สินทรัพย์สุทธิถวัเฉลีย " >##ก %!ก (Management Fee) 1,377.26 1.06 " >##ก 6 +$ (Share Registrar Fee) 110.18 0.09 " >## ,%$$!R9 (Audit Fee) 17.35 0.01 " 3กb ก (Advisory Fee) - - " 89% 8ก %!8# +ก
) จํานวนเงนิ (หน่วย: พนับาท) ร้อยละของมูลค่า สินทรัพย์สุทธิถวัเฉลีย " t##ก %!ก (Management Fee) 2,187.23 1.06 " t##ก 6 +$ (Share Registrar Fee) 174.98 0.08 " 2กN ก (Advisory Fee) - - " 8O% 8ก %!8# +ก
(หน่วย: พนับาท) ร้อยละของมูลค่า สินทรัพย์สุทธิถวัเฉลีย " k##ก %!ก (Management Fee) 1,158.08 1.06 " k##9ก 7 +$ (Share Registrar Fee) 92.65 0.09 " k## ,%$$!YH (Audit Fee) 17.40 0.02 " 3กd ก (Advisory Fee
generated a slight increase in service revenue (+2.1% YoY and 1.4% QoQ). Our mobile business was flat both YoY and QoQ driven by soft consumer spending offset by our movement to retain market share and build
Distribution of Newly Issued Shares and Share Warrants by Issuer
. Meanwhile, competition for deposits is expected to be mild, as although the economy is likely to improve, the recovery remains concentrated in certain business sectors. There is considerable excess liquidity
, financial institutions expect demand for business and household credit to increase in line with continued economic growth. V2 13/11/61 17:55 น. 2 Competition for deposits is expected to be mild, considering