capital by Baht 89,200,714 from the existing Baht 259,250,000 to Baht 170,049,286, by means of reduction of 89,200,714 unissued shares of the Company at a par value of Baht 1.00 per share, reserved for the
quarter of 2019. Currently, the condominium project has already booked over 60% of the total number of rooms. The company is still confident to transfer condominiums to customers according as according to
the first half of 2020, the company continuously got new orders from new projects. The clients are confident on quality, production capacity, and expertise of the company. This resulted in more orders
help lift up corporate governance, prosperity and fairness to all shareholders.?Somjin Sornpaisal, AIMC Chairman said that ?The AIMC is confident that adoption of proxy voting guidelines will raise level
insurance plans more appropriately. We are confident that the “Aom No.5” campaign will further drive a continued growth of unit-linked insurance products among existing as well as new clients.”The most
% % Selling Expenses to Sales 15.7% 14.3% 15.3% 13.8% Administrative Expenses 151 122 +24% 277 260 +7% % Administrative Expenses to Sales 11.4% 8.9% 10.3% 9.0% Finance Costs 15 5 +190% 27 11 +153% Share of
hotel, hotel management, and share of profits/losses from investments. • Owned Hotel 2017 2016 % Chg Occupancy (%) 73.3 73.2 1.5 ADR (THB/night) 3,597 3,727 -3.5 RevPar (THB/night) 2,636 2,690 -2.0
Company is confident that our strategy and prompt action plans will enable us to navigate the shifting retail landscape in the future. The current business situation First half of 2020 was a challenging
products and service with best attention for enhancing their personality to be confident as well as to aware of taking good care in skin care, healthy body and mind, own happiness and the accompany. Revenue
. This was resulted from the Company’s preparation to launch products in new packaging in Q3. However, the Company has gained more market share in the premium fruit juice segment from the previous quarter