Baht 292.12 million in the amount of Baht 37 million or a from decrease of 11.24 percent as a result of the Company's marketing policy to expand its market share. (Market Share) by adjusting the price
Profit before share of loss from investments in joint ventures, finance cost and income tax expenses 1,232.7 30.7 3,770.9 35.3 2,538.3 205.9 Share of loss from investments in joint ventures 2.5 0.1 451.6
31.1 34.1 Total Expenses 1,595.3 64.5 2,436.2 70.5 840.9 52.7 Profit before share of loss from investments in joint ventures, finance cost and income tax expenses 878.4 35.5 1,017.1 29.5 138.7 15.8 Share
selling expenses 183.84 147.60 36.24 24.55 Finance cost 208.75 110.40 98.35 89.09 Total expenses 902.73 726.79 175.94 24.21 Share of profit (loss) on investment in associated company 196.23 (2.03) 198.26
that facilitates market participants as they make a smooth transition towards adopting sustainability disclosure standards, e.g., ISSB, IFRS S1 and IFRS S2, in the coming years to support
จำกปัจจัยดังต่อไปนี้ 1.) กำรท่องเที่ยว โดยรวมขยำยตัวไดจ้ำกมำตรกำร visa on arrival และเหตกุำรณ์ควำมไม่สงบในฮอ่งกงทีม่สีว่น ท ำใหจ้ ำนวนนักทอ่งเทีย่วตำ่งประเทศเพิม่ขึน้ 2.) กำรใชจ้่ำยภำครัฐมกีำรเบกิจ่ำยง
Million (Other Incomes of year 2016 were Baht 11.39 Million), representing 71.82% where it was coming from the sale of Smart Traffic Co., Ltd.’s shares to existing shareholders in the amount of Baht 20
Total Expenses 4,334.0 65.1 4,697.1 69.2 363.1 8.4 Profit before share of loss from investments in joint ventures, finance cost and income tax expenses 2,323.2 34.9 2,092.7 30.8 (230.6) (9.9) Share of
, targeting steel customers, coming on line in the next few months this part of the order book will pick up. Certain other key segments like chemical and construction also show positive tendencies. The strength
tax expenses -5.80 -4.89 0.91 19% Net income for period 24.74 23.17 1.57 7% Earnings per share (THB) 0.08 0.08 0.00 0% FY 2018 FY 2017 YoY change YoY % change Unit: Million Thai Baht (THB) Sales and