products to meet clients’ requirements, the demand of the products therefore continuously increased, especially power tools which are generally used in construction or home renovation. However, sales of
assets stood at THB 2,421mn, an increase of 11.3% or THB 246mn primarily due to an increase in property, plant and equipment of THB 228mn mainly from the renovation of Street Furniture media and increase
, representing an increase from the same quarter of the previous year by Baht 19 Million or 11.9 percent from the increase in retail revenue according to the increase in ridership and the renovation of Metro Mall
from higher staff cost, shop expansion & renovation, and the one- time expense of Bt134mn regarding withholding tax in 3Q18. In 2018, %bad debt to postpaid revenue declined to 3.8% , compared to 4.3% in
, partially offset by (ii) 6 keys increased from the renovation of owned hotels (iii) 96 keys increased from Vienna House Kronberg, Germany, the new operating lease hotel opened in February 2020, and (iv
operating revenue due to the temporary closure of branches from the impact of COVID-19 outbreak as well as the closure of service area for renovation in some stores. • The Company’s gross profit in Q2/2021
dessert shop that was recently closed for renovation in the beginning of the year. In addition, the Company plans to open 3 more branches in Q4/2022, namely Terminal 21 Rama 3 branch, Queen Sirikit National
) Access to essential services (e.g. health, education and vocational training, healthcare, telecommunication, financing and financial services); (iii) Affordable housing (e.g. construction, renovation and
ำไปสูก่ำรเตบิโต อยำ่งยั่งยนืในระยะยำว ทัง้นี ้ในปี 2560 บรษัิทฯ ท ำกำรปรับปรุงศนูยก์ำรคำ้ดงัตอ่ไปนี ้ • การปรบัปรุงใหญ่ (Major Renovation) 2 ศูนยก์ารคา้ ไดแ้ก่ เซ็นทรัลเวลิด ์ซึง่ ปรับปรุงทลีะเฟสเริม่
ยำว ทัง้นี้ ในปี 2561 บรษัิทฯ มแีผนกำรปรับปรุงศนูยก์ำรคำ้ดงัตอ่ไปนี ้ • การปรบัปรุงใหญ่ (Major Renovation) ทีเ่ซ็นทรลัเวลิด ์ซึง่ปรับปรุงทลีะ เฟสเริม่ตัง้แตไ่ตรมำส 4 ปี 2559 และทยอยแลว้เสร็จในไตรมำส 3