regulate country’s financial system, issue regulations and control financial institutions, circulate banknotes, supervise international money transfers, and monitor exchange rate of Thai Baht against foreign
regulate country’s financial system, issue regulations and control financial institutions, circulate banknotes, supervise international money transfers, and monitor exchange rate of Thai Baht against foreign
revenue was from the units transfers of 5 real estate projects as details shown in the table below. Source of income (Unit: THB mn) 1Q/19 1Q/18 Revenue % of total revenue Revenue % of total revenue The
management PAGE 6 and cleaning services which was in line with the increase of successful ownership transfers completed developments and including incomes from deposits (of sold units) due to an increase of
last year. Due to an increase of revenues from the property management and cleaning services which was in line with the increase of successful ownership transfers from 4 completed developments and
increase of revenues from the property management and cleaning services which was in line with the increase of successful ownership transfers completed developments and including incomes from deposits (of
increase of revenues from the property management and cleaning services which was in line with the increase of successful ownership transfers completed developments and including incomes from deposits (of
the increase of successful ownership transfers completed developments and including incomes from deposits (of sold units) due to an increase of units that were unable to transfer within the company’s
“Acquired Joint Venture Company”) in proportion of 50 percent from Sansiri. By acquiring such ordinary shares, the Company will accept from Sansiri the transfers of claims on existing loan granted to the
Bangkok, December 23, 2015 - According to the highly publicized news coverage on share transfers of a person, the SEC after probing into the case has imposed administrative sanctions on three