dropped -0.5% QoQ, driven by growth in fixed broadband and non-mobile enterprise business with a growth of the mobile post-paid segment. Mobile 5G customers grew significantly with more affordable devices
, product bundling, and service excellence. AIS also continues its focus on enterprise customer segments that provide solid margins to grow enterprise non-mobile revenue. Positive momentum in Mobile from
reported core service revenue of Bt34,080mn, increasing 2.9% YoY and 0.5% QoQ from a quality growth of fixed broadband business and a rebound in non-mobile enterprise business. FBB business continued a
44% 566 790 40% Revenue from Non-Café 21 22 5% 53 62 17% Revenue from Catering / Pop-Up 12 11 (8%) 43 34 (21%) Revenue from Franchising 5 5 0% 12 14 17% Total Operating Revenue 246 338 37% 674 900 34
rental and service usage 40.70 1.57% 46.13 1.75% 5.43 13.35% Other non-current assets 0.75 0.03% 1.27 0.05% 0.52 69.55% Total non-current assets 897.04 34.69% 903.78 34.19% 6.74 0.75% Total assets 2,586.25
services, harmonizing people and processes, and aligning products to deliver enhanced broadband experience. Enterprise services maintained the growth from digitalization demand amid economic challenges Non
Discussion & Analysis Q1/2024 Executive Summary Revenue Q1/23 Q1/24 Change +/(-) (THB Million) %YoY Revenue from Dessert Café and Drinks 228 300 32% Revenue from Non-Café 20 21 5% Revenue from Catering / Pop
the Capital Market Business Clause 4 Personnel in the capital market business performing their duties in any of the following functional fields shall have the qualifications, possess no prohibited
performing their duties in any of the following functional fields shall have the qualifications, possess no prohibited characteristics, or obtain an approval [from the SEC Office], as the case may be, as
และขยำยธุรกิจ Non-Oil โดยมีจ ำนวนสถำนีบริกำรน ำมัน ณ สิ น Q1/2563 ทั งสิ น 1,204 สำขำ ทั งนี ค่ำกำรตลำดสุทธิปรับเพ่ิมขึ น เนื่องจำกรำคำน ำมันในตลำดโลกปรับลดลง ส่งผลให้บริษัทฯ สำมำรถก ำหนดรำคำขำยปลีก