vegetable and fruit (AF) 68.36 42.84 34.40 • Pouched sweet corn (RKI) 173.18 157.65 142.59 Total 1,811.86 2,164.72 1,967.06 SalesDomestic • Canned sweet corn (RKI) 28.67 35.53 54.75 • Seeds (SCP) 47.74 33.18
either increasing or decreasing from changes of inventory at the end of period. Page 2 2. Overview of Domestic Economy and Ready-to-Drink Fruit Juice Market At the end of Q3/2019, domestic RTD fruit juice
from high last year base from successful launch of Babi Mild White Sakura in October 2017. Supply Chain Services Segment C-Vitt drove the segment growth with its strong Q4’18 revenue increase by 111.2
sales of year 2018 did not increase as much as expected. For domestic market, revenue from sales increase lightly due to growth of sales in Corn seeds and fresh vegetable and fruit. Detail of Domestic and
sales in Corn seeds and fresh vegetable and fruit. Detail of Domestic and Export Sales 2017 1028 2019 selaS tropxE ConnxdtEwxx tcaSn (RKI) ,1.520,1 1,123.41 1,387.60 FSxEhtvxgx obpxtondtfSui t(AF
domestic market, revenue from sales increase lightly due to growth of sales in corn seeds and fresh vegetable and fruit. Detail of Domestic and Export Sales 2018 1029 2020 selaS tropxE ConnxdtEwxx tcaSn
domestic market, revenue from sales increase lightly due to growth of sales in corn seeds and fresh vegetable and fruit. Detail of Domestic and Export Sales 2018 1029 2020 selaS tropxE ConnxdtEwxx tcaSn
. 1/2020 held on 13 January 2020, boards has a resolution to approve the Company to the acquisition of Dried Fruit business from Vita Food Factory (1989) Company Limited with Fruity Dry Company Limited
2.85 26.19 3.18 7.40 Total 515.79 306.46 1,530.42 824.92 209.33 68.31 705.50 85.52 - Contract manufacturing business of ready-to-drink milk and pasteurized fruit juices saw its income increase by Baht
) (10.89) (3.05) (9.40) Total 581.02 491.04 1,106.54 1,014.64 89.98 18.32 91.90 9.06 - Contract manufacturing business of ready-to-drink milk and pasteurized fruit juices saw its income increase by Baht