cost rate is increasing accordingly. However, in late May, the government of Indonesia reversed a ban on its export, causing higher output in the world market and fear of recessions, as a result, the
in accordance to the price of crude palm oil as the main raw material, as a result, the palm oil is increase from the global CPO marker price to be much higher than CPO-DIT, cause the volume of exports
Bangkok, September 20, 2013 - The SEC imposed a one-month suspension on {A}, a derivatives investment consultant of Asia Plus Securities Plc. for trading derivatives on behalf of her client.Following
Microsoft Word - 62Q2 MDA En A 1 Management Discussion and Analysis of Raja Ferry Port PLC (For Interim Financial Statement of 2 nd Quarter of 2019 ended on June 30 th , 2019) Operating Performance
increased by 1.1% Wheat bran sales volume increased by 2.3% and average wheat bran price increased 2.8% Cost of sales is 84.2% of revenue, up from 80.7% in 2018. As a result, the average price of raw
Microsoft Word - ACE MD&A YE22 - EN 1 No. ACE-ACC-1/2023 28 February 2023 Subject Management Discussion and Analysis for the year ended 31 December 2022 To President The Stock Exchange of Thailand
Microsoft Word - MD&A Y2018 _T_ - Final บริษทั ผลิตไฟฟ้าราชบรีุโฮลด้ิง จาํกดั (มหาชน) คาํอธิบายและการวิเคราะหผ์ลการดาํเนินงาน และฐานะการเงินของฝ่ายบริหาร สาํหรบัปีส้ินสดุวนัท่ี 31 ธนัวาคม 2561 คาํอธ
ข้าดทุนได ้รวมถึงมลูค่าหน่วยลงทุนอาจสูงขึ นหรือตํ าลง 2) ไม่มีการรบัประกนัหรือคุม้ครองเงินได ้ผลตอบแทน หรอืเงินลงทุนเริ6มแรก (Neither income, return nor capital of the Fund is guaranteed or protected
Bangkok, February 13, 2009 ? The Capital Market Supervisory Board (CMSB) granted TSFC Securities Co., Ltd. (TSFC) another extension to work on out-of ?court rehabilitation plan until July 2009 but
This regulatory guillotine discussion is the first in the virtual talk series under the theme, “How to Regulate to Earn Investor Confidence and Global Competitiveness.” The main objective is to