Revenue Analysis Group Sales decreased 8% in 2019 to THB 20,384m from 2018 at THB 22,264m due to market weakness from the downturn in the semiconductor cycle and the US-China trade war. USD sales were 5
2016 Current Ratio Times 1.91 2.12 Quick Ratio Times 0.50 0.50 Average Collection Period Days 33 37 Inventory Days Days 139 182 Accounts Payable Days Days 43 46 Cash Cycle Days 129 173 Leverage
25.68 million or 14.90% as in year 2017 the company sold to a major foreign customer who repeatedly purchased pipes in the cycle pattern. 2. Service revenues in the year 2017 increased from the year 2016
million. • Invest in beauty business as a whole business (cycle); hostpital, one stop shop and expand franchise model to make the best performance approximate Baht 155 million. Benefits to the Company
องเพื่อใหเ้หมาะสมกบัสมาชิกของกองทุน ซ่ึงมีการก าหนดท่ีหลากหลาย นอกจาก conservative fund เหมือนในอดีตท่ีผา่นมา เช่น life cycle fund, balance fund หรือ growth fund เน่ืองจากเกรงวา่หากก าหนดนโยบายการลงทุ
due to temporary shutdown of machine according to usage cycle for efficiency of the machine to generate electricity. In addition, Ua Withya Public Company Limited has sold Biomass Power Plant Business
life cycle,” said Ms. Nattinee Netraumpai, Senior Manager of Corporate and Public Relations of Unilever Thai Group of Companies. _______________________Contact InformationFurther details on the Send
business operations and which the Company has no plan to develop or use in the future. Moreover, the asset to be sold is land which it is large and requires a great deal of capital in trading and, thus, is
by rotation consisting of Mr. Suthikiati Chirathivat Mr. Ek-Rit Boonpiti Mr. Russell L. Kekuewa and Mr. Worachai Bhicharnchitr as directors and independent directors of the Company for another term
efficiency enhancement and reduced costs for our customers, we developed payment platforms to link large companies with retail customers via QR code payment with Electronic Data Capture (EDC) and e-Wallet that