suggestions, please email and Thank you again for your kind contribution. 1. Aggregate limit of 3 million baht on total investments in ICOs by each retail investor in any
㈎Ȏ㈎∎Ў㜎ᤎ⬎ᤎ䠎✎∎┎ᜎ㠎ᤎ䌎ᤎ┎ㄎĎ⤎ጎ『椀渀 欀椀渀搀숀 ทั้งในช่วง IPO และหลัง IPO (ข้อ 42/4 ของประกาศที่ สน. 23/2547”) ประกาศเดิม (1) ในช่วงการเสนอขายครั้งแรก (IPO) อนุญาตให้ in kind ระหว่างบริษัทจัดการกับ
ETF มาชำระให้บริษัทจัดการ (in-kind creation) แบ่งตามกรณี PD/MM ดังนี้ (ก)
Placement) (Attachment 4)) (“Allocation of Convertible Debenture”) For the consideration of the acquisition and acceptance of the SUTGH’s entire business transfer instead of cash payment (Payment in Kind
(Payment in Kind) with a total value of THB 460,000,000 (Allocation of Shares and Allocation of Convertible Debenture collectively as “Securities Allocation Transaction”) (Entire Business Transfer
the acquisition and acceptance of the SUTGH’s entire business transfer instead of cash payment (Payment in Kind) with a total value of THB 460,000,000 (Allocation of Shares and Allocation of Convertible
Total assets of the Bank1/ 2.82% 4. Calculation on the basis of payment-in- kind Shares issued for the payment of assets x 100 Paid-up Shares of the Bank Not applicable because the Bank will make payment
no such kind of income in the same quarter of this year. Construction Cost The company and its subsidiaries’ construction cost was Baht 63.58 million whereas Baht 88.52 million in the same quarter of
subcontractors of Baht 2.85 million and engineering design service of Baht 2.79 million whereas there has been no such kind of income in 2017. Construction Cost The company and its subsidiaries’ construction cost
issue new shares (“contribution in kind”) to acquire all shares of Cal-Comp Precision (Thailand) Ltd. (“CPTH”) from the Cal-Comp Precision Holding Co., Ltd. (“Holding”) as below; Acquired company Cal-Comp