licensing, Thirachai viewed that: ?We still have time to prepare for liberalization and the market?s situation is expected to get better. In the meantime, we should focus on securities companies? adjustment
advice for going public, get exemption of application fee for an approval of public offering of shares and application fee for listing of ordinary shares as listed securities from the SEC and the SET
become inevitable and it is difficult to get out of the vicious cycle of debt. Consumerism, on the other hand, could largely overshadowed consumers? self-restraint and eventually entices them to spend
Reporting in ASEAN: State of Corporate Practices, 2022 17 18Source: Kirkland, 2022 Centrality of TCFD and
ดิจิทัลใหม่ๆ ผ่ำน INTELLIGENT DIGITAL OOH เพื่อรองรับยุคโฆษณำดิจิทัล VGI ทดลองเปิดตัวผลิตภัณฑ์โฆษณำดิจิทัลรูปแบบใหม่ที่มีควำมกว้ำงถึง 45 เมตร จ ำนวนทั้งสิ้น 5 จอ บนสถำนีช่องนนทรี เพ่ือน ำเสนอรูปแบบกำร โฆษ
is fair to all customers, with consideration of customer needs and ability. Continually Develop the Fraud Management and Intelligent System to enhance our potential in investigating potential
which are energy-saving innovations for air conditioners (WATER INT PAD: Water Intelligent), in the past can sell such products which the quality and efficiency of the products resulting in the year 2019
(revised down) Managing the total usage amount through Boonterm kiosk to more than 20%, compared to 2017 Developing the intelligent kiosk for selling sim card and Electronic Know Your Customer service (e
full service automated banking agent and lending service, and to the product and service distribution platform in high-growth industry through nationwide coverage intelligent kiosks, which will expand
ไฟฟ้าส าหรบัเครื่องปรบัอากาศ (WATER INT PAD : Water Intelligent) อย่างต่อเนื่อง พรอ้มกบัพฒันาคุณภาพของสนิคา้และบรกิารต่างๆ ใหเ้ป็นไปตามมาตรฐาน ทีเ่หมาะสมกบัรปูแบบธุรกจิของ กลุ่มลกูคา้อย่างสม ่าเสมอ รวม