to prevent recurrence of such unlawful act; (g) level of the wrongdoer’s cooperation with the SEC Office, which in case where the wrongdoer is a legal entity, shall include the clear instruction of
and cannot be completed by other contractors. Thus Cherchaiwon, the related party, is asked to complete the production. The Company is affirmed that the transaction is transparent, fair and beneficial
/บัตรเงินฝากของ บค. Investment grade ≤ 15% ของ NAV
clear such transactions through his securities trading account on continual basis and in concealment to mislead the general public to believe that UMI shares were purchased or sold in great volume at that
clear such transactions through his securities trading account on continual basis and in concealment to mislead the general public to believe that UMI shares were purchased or sold in great volume at that
clear such transactions through his securities trading account on continual basis and in concealment to mislead the general public to believe that UMI shares were purchased or sold in great volume at that
clear-cut regulations to accommodate business operation and service provision in the form of partnership so that business operators will be able to run their business according to their expertise and take
matter to ensure that the investors will have accurate and clear information for investment decision-making. Meanwhile, investors are urged to follow up the company?s clarification and take precaution in
exercise her duty with care. In addition, she tried to rectify the mistake immediately but the revised information appeared in the news was not clear enough. In this regard, the committee advised the SEC to
notifications has taken suggestion from all parties, including listed companies, potential issuers, and investors, into consideration intended to provide clear and sufficient information for investors without