assets or securities of the open-end fund cannot be reasonably disposed of, distributed or transferred due to reasonable circumstances; (2.2) The NAV cannot be calculated fairly and appropriately
assets or securities of the open-end fund cannot be reasonably disposed of, distributed or transferred due to reasonable circumstances; (2.2) The NAV cannot be calculated fairly and appropriately
electricity grid and storage infrastructure is crucial to meeting the steep decarbonisation goals for energy systems. More flexible and distributed systems are needed to bring about clean electricity. It is
ในอนาคต เช่น Autonomous and Robotics, Artificial Intelligence/ Machine Learning and Big Data, Distributed Ledger, Cloud and NextGen Computing, Internet of Things, 5G/ NextG Wireless, Space Exploration
1 ในปี 2563 ก.ล.ต. ได้ดำเนินภำรกิจหลำยด้ำนเพ่ือให้ บรรลเุป้ำหมำยของประเทศตำมแผนยทุธศำสตร์ชำต ิ(พ.ศ. 2561- 2580) แผนระดับรองต่ำง ๆ1 และเป้ำหมำยหลักตำมแผน ยุทธศำสตร์ของ ก.ล.ต. ทั้ง 4 ด้ำน ได้แก่ ยั่งยืน เข้ำถึง แข่งได้ และเชือ่มโยง และเชือ่ถอืได้ รวมถงึเพือ่ตอบโจทย์ผูมี้ส่วนได้เสีย ทกุกลุ่มในตลำดทุน โดยผลกำรดำเนินงำนตำมแผนยทุธศำสตร์ ในกำรบรรลุเป้ำหมำย 4 ด้ำน ประจำปี 2563 มีดังนี้ เป้าหมาย : ยัง่ยนื – Sustainable Capital Market ตลำดทุนเป็นกลไกสำคญัในกำรสนบัสนนุให้กจิกำรผนวก ESG เข้ำกบักำรทำธรุกจิแล...
the same time, the subsidiaries consist of Irving Corporation Limited has distributed products and equipment design and installation of systems related to water treatment systems for medical services
, copied or distributed to any other party, without the prior express written permission of CS. All trademarks, service marks and logos used in this report are trademarks or service marks or registered
through stock repurchase on February 27, 2017 for 165,000,000 shares at Baht 140.25 million. However, the treasury shares could not all be distributed and the transaction is reversed to retain earning at
/2017 instead. The said sale revenue was distributed to the same old distributors in steel industry. Anyway, the sale revenue for the category of brand DAIWA increase which was amount to THB 7.6 mn or
calendars that were distributed to customers, causing such expense in this quarter while there was none in last year. 2.3. Administration expenses had no significant changes for the 3-month period ended March