specified in the Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board concerning Commitment between Unitholders and Management Companies and the Notifications of the Office of the Securities and Exchange
) BoD และ คณะผูบริหารระดับสูงมอบแนวนโยบายและสนับสนุนแผนงานขององคกร ดานการผนวก climate risk ในกระบวนการบริหารจัดการลงทุนอยางเต็มท่ี ดานการกํากับดูแลและการดําเนินการ ตาม commitment ขององคกรวาดวย การ
& Risks Commitment and Targets Integration with business values & KPIs Impacts Outcomes Good Corporate Citizenship Collaboration in supply chain Monitoring system, progress and improvement Linkage and
to promote the company's commitment to CSR. Investors can use such information to make investment decision. CSR report may be part of Annual Report or publish separately. Company may make report in
announced their commitment to the I Code principles by signing the DECLARATION OF MUTUAL COLLABORATION of Nine Organisations to Encourage the Implementation of the Investment Governance Code for Institutional
announced their commitment to the I Code principles by signing the DECLARATION OF MUTUAL COLLABORATION of Nine Organisations to Encourage the Implementation of the Investment Governance Code for Institutional
, min, average และค่า ณ วันท าการสุดท้ายของเดอืน (กรณี PVD ให้ใช้ค่า ณ วันสิ้นเดือน) โดยเลือกรายงานค่า Net Exposure ที่ค านวณตามวิธี Commitment Approach หรือค่า Absolute VaR หรอืค่า Relative VaR อย่างใด
#modernslavery 4 Climate strategy: CHANEL Mission 1.5° CHANEL Mission 1.5° is the Group’s commitment to mobilise and transform its business in line with the UN Climate Change Paris Agreement (the ‘Paris Agreement
The ability to repay debt and to follow the terms of the loan, and fundamentally important for several bindings The Company has been able to repay debts and doing business as per commitment. 5
the terms of the loan, and fundamentally important for several bindings The Company has been able to repay debts and doing business as per commitment. 5 Contractual Obligations and Off-Balance Sheet