Systems Integration and Telecom Service business of Baht 68.71 million, mainly increasing due to the sale of notebooks and computer servers; - The revenue obtained from Computer Systems Integration business
total revenue comprised:- - The revenue obtained from Telecom Systems Integration and Telecom Service business of Baht 9.45 million; - The revenue obtained from Computer Systems Integration business and
comprised:- - The revenue obtained from Telecom Systems Integration and Telecom Service business of Baht 7.15 million; - The revenue obtained from Computer Systems Integration business and Cloud Computing
revenue comprised:- - The revenue obtained from Telecom Systems Integration and Telecom Service business of Baht 8.78 million; - The revenue obtained from Computer Systems Integration business and Cloud
revenue comprised:- - The revenue obtained from Telecom Systems Integration and Telecom Service business of Baht 22.27 million, mainly increasing due to the sale of notebooks and computer servers; - The
total revenue comprised:- - The revenue obtained from Telecom Systems Integration and Telecom Service business of Baht 14.12 million; - The revenue obtained from Computer Systems Integration business and
. The total revenue comprised:- - The revenue obtained from Telecom Systems Integration and Telecom Service business of Baht 11.75 million; - The revenue obtained from Computer Systems Integration
นางสิริวิภา สุพรรณธเนศ รองเลขาธิการ สำนักงานคณะกรรมการกำกับหลักทรัพย์และตลาดหลักทรัพย์ (ก.ล.ต.) ร่วมเสวนาในงาน “MORAL MONEY SUMMIT ASIA 2022 – Accelerating ESG integration to unlock value and drive
ขยายเวลาการส่งรายงานการก ากบัดูแลการปฏิบติังานประจ าปี (annual compliance report) ต่อส านกังาน จาก 1 เดือน เป็น 2 เดือนนบัแต่วนัส้ินปีปฏิทิน เหตุผล เพื่อให้ compliance มีเวลาเพียงพอในการจดัท าสรุปผลการ
the arrangement of information technology system to support IT audit, and a summary of the business and compliance system. The revision is a result of the workshop on consideration of application for