(155) (17) Variable Costs (459) (15) (472) (13) 13 (3) (486) (15) 27 (6) Fixed Costs (202) (6) (138) (4) (64) 46 (177) (5) (25) 14 Stock Gain/(Loss) 32 1 (57) (2) 89 (156) (68) (2) 100 (147) SG&A (93) (3
แปรผนั variable capital : (add - on จาก fixed capital) กรณี MF หรือ PF + PVD (1) AUM รวม ≤ 2.5 หม่ืนลบ. วงเงินประกนัภยัไม่นอ้ยกวา่ 120 ลบ. หกัดว้ยมูลค่าของส่วนของผูถื้อหุน้ (2) AUM รวม > 2.5 หม่ืนลบ
Value (NRV) 9 0 10 0 (1) (10) (7) (0) 16 (229) Product to Feed Margin 906 23 912 28 (6) (1) 928 18 (22) (2) Variable Costs (386) (10) (486) (15) 100 (21) (411) (8) 25 (6) Fixed Costs (181) (5) (177) (5
operational risk ได ้ ในระดบัหน่ึง โดยก าหนดให้ตอ้งด ารงดว้ยส่วนของผูถื้อหุ้น (2) เงินกองทุนแปรผัน (variable capital) ตามขนาดของการประกอบธุรกจิ ซ่ึงเป็น เงินกองทุนส่วนเพิม่ (add-on) ของเงินกองทุนข้ันต ่า เพ่ือ
Fund (SPF) for Samui Airport which include the rental portion of the sub-lease agreement and the variable portion based on the number of departing/arriving passengers from and to Samui Airport. However
(NRV) 4 0 (4) (0) 8 (200) (19) (1) 23 (121) Product to Feed Margin 974 25 1,075 29 (101) (9) 757 24 217 29 Variable Costs (393) (10) (484) (13) 91 (19) (459) (15) 66 (14) Fixed Costs (231) (6) (163) (4
rental portion of the sub-lease agreement and the variable portion based on the number of departing passengers from and the arriving flights to Samui Airport. However, in 2013, Company has revised its
the rental portion of the sub-lease agreement and the variable portion based on the number of departing passengers from and the arriving flights to Samui Airport. However, in 2013, Company has revised
consist of lease payments under the sub-lease agreement from the Samui Property Fund (SPF) for Samui Airport which include the rental portion of the sub-lease agreement and the variable portion based on the
Notification: (1) the callable option, or puttable option, whether the return is a fixed or variable rates according to the interest rates of a financial institution or any other interest rates and the return