remaining amount of GLOW’s shares of 69,530,219 shares, or 4.75% of the total shares, at Baht 90.8136 per share. The company may be able to adjust the price if GLOW (1) Offer dividend paymen t (2) Change in
Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2019, by which the offering price will not be less than the minimum price of Baht 2.4 per share in any respect. The market price will be in accordance with the Notification of
’ and sponsors’ KBank is aware of relevant risks and has a policy of supporting customers to adjust themselves to be prepared for said risks. KBank has thus conducted a climate- related scenario analysis
totals Baht 357,000,000 as a consideration of the first portion of S-TREK shares does not correspond with the current market price and causes Mr. Jirasak to be in a disadvantage position in entering into
the payment of such shares shall be by means of share swap. The acquisition of shares in S-TREK is divided into 2 parts sold at the same price of approximately Baht 33.33 per share as follows: Part 1
shares, at a par value of Baht 10 per share, equivalent to the total value of Baht 510,000,000, (the “Investment in Ordinary Shares of S-TREK”) which the payment of such shares shall be by means of share
names appeared on the date for determining the names of shareholders who shall be entitled to the dividend payment (Record Date) on July 17, 2018 and to set the dividend payment date on August 3, 2018
Advisor deemed it appropriate to adjust the fair value of the newly issued preferred shares of the Company from the fair value range of Baht 0.0300 2 - 0.0347 per share to the fair value range of Baht
offering of the newly issued preferred shares to be issued and offered to the existing shareholders in proportion to their shareholdings and to specific investors, disposal of assets, and convening of the
adjust the assumptions for cash flows projections of those subsidiaries to calculate the recoverable amount appropriately, and to consider the adequacy and appropriateness of the impairment loss for