บริษัทไดรับรางวัลรายงานความย่ังยืน ประจําป พ.ศ. 2561 (Sustainability Report Award 2018) โดยสมาคม บริษัทจดทะเบียนไทย (CSR Club) ประเภทรางวัล Recognition ซ่ึงเปนรางวัลสําหรับบริษัทท่ีใหความสําคัญกับเร่ื
ธันวาคม 2562 บริษัทได้รับรางวลัรางวลัประกาศเกียรติคุณ (Sustainability Disclosure Recognition) จากสถาบนั ไทยพฒัน์เพื่อให้ผู้มส่ีวนได้เสียเติบโตเคยีงคู่ไปกบับริษัท และตอบสนองต่อเป้าหมายการพฒันาที่ยัง่ยืน
launc a significant pla will pursue sele will also put foc while remaining Continue to gro In summary, w subscribers, we recognition of p improve and st for both mobile New dividend p AIS is committ
profit from higher tariff rate than the same period last year and recognition of operating performance of SEGSD. Meanwhile, finance costs was increased, caused by loans for invested in SEGSD at 40.90
English Football League and product differentiation strategy, especially the Green Apple flavored energy drinks under Carabao trademark, which are getting more recognition from customers. As a consequence
, especially the Green Apple flavored energy drinks under Carabao trademark, which are getting more recognition from customers. As a consequence, ICUK’s business plans aim to entail further penetrations in more
result of an increase in service revenue along with well-controlled expenses as well as recognition of lower tower rental for the first half, in this quarter. EBITDA margin increased from 42.3% in 3Q18 and
quarter of 2018. The main reason was a decline of Baht 4,143 million or 25.3 percent in operating expenses, mainly because of the recognition of provision for post- employment benefits in the previous
was due to the termination of the programmed co-production agreement before the due date and no revenue recognition from other business, which was under the consideration of the investment information
loss decreased by Baht 142.76 million compared to the same period in 2017. This was due to the termination of the programmed co- production agreement before the due date and no revenue recognition from