agreement that the insured shall pay premium to the life insurance company for protection against death or payment upon life and the insured shall pay for the purchase of the mutual fund’s investment units
agreement that the insured shall pay premium to the life insurance company for protection against death or payment upon life and the insured shall pay for the purchase of the mutual fund’s investment units
the consolidation of Group. In addition, the Company recorded a non-recurring expense from long-term employees of THB 5mn according to The Labor Protection Act (No.7) 2019. However, SG&A to
additional provision of THB 20 Million due to increase in the benefit of employees who have past service of 20 years or more from 300 days to 400 days according to the announcement of Labour Protection Act
to 400 days according to the announcement of Labour Protection Act in the Government Gazette on 5 April 2019, which is effective dated 5 May 2019. The Company and subsidiary recorded provision for
right time with ever-greater consideration of consumer protection and customer privacy, taking into account the changing customer expectations. Along with this, we focus on predictive risk management
ต้องปฏิบัติเพ่ิมเติม ซึ่งเป็นอุปสรรคต่อการปฏิบัติงานของผู้ประกอบ ธุรกิจ ให้มีความเหมาะสมและยืดหยุ่นมากข้ึน แต่ยังคงไว้ซึ่ง investor protection ภายใต้การก ากับดูแลที่ มีมาตรฐาน โดยผู้ลงทุนสามารถก าหนดกับ
investor protection purposes. • Where the digital tokens involved in an ICO fall under the definition of securities, parties engaging in activities other than issuance and offering (e.g. brokerage, dealing
เช่นกนั ส ำหรับขอ้เสนอแนะท่ีใหก้ ำหนด investment limit ส ำนกังำนเห็นวำ่ ดว้ยแนวทำง กำรก ำกบัดูแลและกำรคุม้ครองผูล้งทุน (investor protection) ไดแ้บ่งผูล้งทุนออกเป็น 2 กลุ่ม ไดแ้ก่ (1) ผูล้งทุนรำยบุคคล มี
4.7% in the corresponding period last year, due to the same reasons mentioned above. Also, the Company had recognized an additional expense of THB 9 million regarding the new labour protection law to