; primarily from decreasing in raw materials and medical supplies. The inventory turnover period was 5 days, remained the same as 2016. The Company and its subsidiaries recorded allowance for non-movement
& promotion, office supplies, professional fees, and depreciation and amortization of office equipment and hotel properties. In 1Q18, CPN reported total administrative expenses at THB 1,203 mn, an increase of
mn, a 20.2% increase YoY. Administrative Expenses Total administrative expenses constituted expenses on personnel, marketing & promotion, office supplies, professional fees, and depreciation and
remains fragile with the recession risk creating uncertainties in several regions. At the same time, the geopolitical risk continues catalyzing global supply chain disruption and affects industrial supplies
attend the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2019 (Record Date) as necessary and appropriate under the provisions of laws. Please be informed accordingly. Sincerely yours, East Coast
determine list of shareholders who are entitled to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2019 (Record Date) as necessary and appropriate under the provisions of laws. Please be
attend the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2019 (Record Date) as necessary and appropriate under the provisions of laws. Please be informed accordingly. Sincerely yours, East Coast
แบบแสดงรายการขอมูลการเสนอขายหุนกูท่ีมีอนุพันธแฝง (แบบ 69-DEBT-SP-1) บริษัท .......... (ชื่อไทย/อังกฤษของผูเสนอขายหุนกูท่ีมีอนุพันธแฝง) ใหระบุขอมูลในหนาปกอยางนอย ดังตอไปน้ี 1. ลักษณะที่สําคัญของหุนกูท่ีมีอนุพันธแฝง (“หุนกู”) ท่ีจะออกภายใตโครงการน้ี ดังน้ี (1) ชื่อหุนกูตามโครงการ (2) ประเภทผูลงทุนที่เสนอขาย (3) ลักษณะสําคัญของหุนกู (4) ปจจัยอางอิง (5) มูลคาการเสนอขายตามโครงการ ทั้งนี้ ตองไมเกินมูลคาตามมติท่ีไดรับใหออกหุนกู (6) มูลคาไถถอนของหุนกู (7) อันดับควา...
South America, due to US refineries reactivating after having been affected by Hurricane Harvey. As well as, Diesel supplies from Asia could not be sent the west, due to high reserves level in Europe from
pandemic. This led to various refineries cutting down on production to compensate for the dwindling demand, while the same quarter of the previous year, supplies were in a tight state. 10 Management