;research, market information, best dealing and execution หรือ preservation of confidentiality (2) บริษัทจัดการควรทำธุรกรรมในฐานะที่
appointed National Investigation Committee to investigate such situation which expects to finish in 2019. Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy Power Company Limited, the developer of Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy Hydroelectric Power
rental fee variation, operation under tenant finding policy, supervision of real estate usage, control procurement process, random investigate, and assessment of internal control of property manager’s
สำรหน้ี - พฒันำระบบงำนรองรับกระบวนกำรบริหำรจดักำรเคส ตั้งแต่กำรรับเร่ืองร้องเรียน กำร investigate กำรด ำเนินกำรกบัผูก้ระท ำผิด และกำรบงัคบัใชก้ฎหมำย 47 ระบบคอมพิวเตอร์ดำ้นกำรตรวจสอบผู้ ประกอบธุรกิจตวัก
for the use of IPO proceeds and the Country’s official economic and investment developing plan. The Board has authorized a special task force team to conduct feasibility study via any risks associated
regulations at least fifteen [15] hours in every two calendar years as from the calendar year of obtaining an approval from the Office, of which the syllabus consist of at least three [3] hours’ study on rules
’ study on rules, regulations, codes of conduct, and relevant law. In case such investor contact also obtained approval to be derivatives investor contact, the syllabus of the training, activities, or
’ study on rules, regulations, codes of conduct, and relevant law. In case such investor contact also obtained approval to be derivatives investor contact, the syllabus of the training, activities, or
relating to the offering, and the features and the risks of the securities and the issuer. The investors, therefore, are advised to study the detailed information in the prospectus, which can be requested
prior years. As the COVID-19 situation improved this year, the study and work conditions are beginning to return to normal. In 2023, cost of sales and services amounted to THB 12,337.37 million, decreased