://www.eurekadesign.co.th/ Eureka Design Public Company Limited 19 Moo 11 Tambon Ladsawai, Amphur Lamlukka, Pathumthani 12150, Thailand Tel : +66(0) 2192 3737 Fax : +66(0) 2192 3741-44 www.eurekadesign.co.th Shareholder name
://www.eurekadesign.co.th/ Eureka Design Public Company Limited 19 Moo 11 Tambon Ladsawai, Amphur Lamlukka, Pathumthani 12150, Thailand Tel : +66(0) 2192 3737 Fax : +66(0) 2192 3741-44 www.eurekadesign.co.th Shareholder name
mainly from decrease of Total Shareholder Equity from adopting new accounting standard TFRS 15, and activated borrowings from financial institutions Long-term and Short-Term of Baht 41.0 million and Baht
its subsidiaries issue a right offering to raise additional capital for all shareholder and received cash from issuance of new ordinary shares Baht 1,429 million. บริษัท จี สตีล จ ำกัด (มหำชน) G Steel
cars, Including engineering services. Mr. Sarawut Cherdchai, authorized director and a major shareholder of Cherdchaiwon is the spouse of Ms. Sophida Kewkacha Cherdchai, director of Carnival Magic and
ผีู้เสนอว่า ควรก าหนดให้ต้อง ระบุมาตรการดังกล่าวใน shareholder agreement ให้ชัดเจน (ที่ปรึกษาทางการเงนิ) - การก าหนดให้ REIT ต้องมีอ านาจในการแก้ไข หรือเปลี่ยนแปลงในเรื่องส าคัญของบริษทัทีเ่ข้าลงทุน จะ
Total Assets Total Liabilities Total Shareholder Equity 31-Dec-18 30-Sep-19 Million Baht 7 Shareholders’ Equity As of 30 September 2019, Total Shareholders’ Equity was Baht 13,534.3 million, decreased by
Liabilities Total Shareholder Equity Million Baht 31-Mar-20 31-Dec-19 7 5. KEY FINANCIAL RATIOS 1Q'20 2019 Return on Equity 13.7% 15.5% Debt/Equity Ratio 1.19x 0.95x Net Interest-bearing Debt/Equity Ratio 0.86x
-Term from financial institutions Baht 1,765.0 million and decrease of Total Shareholder Equity from adopting new accounting standard TFRS 15. 23,773.3 9,724.0 14,049.3 26,418.7 12,859.5 13,559.3 Total
million from Baht 11,756.7 million at year-end 2019. 25,942 14,107 11,835 26,419 12,859 13,559 Total Assets Total Liabilities Total Shareholder Equity Million Baht 30-Jun-20 31-Dec-19 8 Total Liabilities