3.04% YoY as a result of ongoing repair and maintenance of the overall power generator in order to improve power supply capacity and escalate power to grid. • Revenue from sale of industrial equipment
mainly consists of (1) cost of security and cleaning services within site location such as the cleaning of solar panels, cutting grass, maintenance of equipment, and costs related to renewable energy
enhanced device margin. AIS reported a net profit of Bt8,788mn, increasing 7.9% YoY reflecting strong operating performance, while increasing 2.5% QoQ from higher foreign exchange rate gain. 3Q24 MD&A
quality. KASIKORN FACTORY & EQUIPMENT CO., LTD. reported higher loan growth than the company’s target. In addition, Muang Thai Life Assurance PCL retained its leadership in the bancassurance business
land and building, printing machine and equipment, and (2) Office building ( Klong Toey) consist of land and building, which will seek approval from the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No
twork Serv he financial second qua or, the resu ance he Compan ancial state econd quar ng of net p eceivables. which was h margin stoo from collec be describe bts n of eivables ed income 017 cussion and
ปฏิบัติงำนท่ีมีกำรใช้อุปกรณ์เคลื่อนท่ี (mobile device) เพื่อเข้ำถึงระบบสำรสนเทศภำยในองค์กร และกำรปฏิบัติงำนจำกภำยนอกบริษัท (teleworking) 3.1 กรณีพนักงานท าการเชื่อมต่อ remote access จากที่บ้าน ผู้ประกอบ
Million Baht was 22.79 Million Baht or 92.92% lower from the last year. In 2016, The Company's profit from the sale of machinery and equipment manufacturing is not in use to outsider 10.88 Million Baht and
in Joint Ventures 87.3 75.5 11.8 15.6% Investments in related party 85.0 - 85.0 100.0% Equipment for lease 182.6 215.7 (33.1) (15.4)% Total Assets 4,813.6 4,511.8 301.8 6.7 % Assets As of June 30, 2017
36.1 47.8% Investments in related party 85.0 - 85.0 100.0% Equipment for lease 160.7 215.7 (55.0) (25.5)% Intangible assets 38.6 25.1 13.5 53.8% Total Assets 5,055.7 4,511.8 543.9 12.1 % Assets As of