days, in Netherlands and a partial shutdown in Poland. Core EBITDA in 2018 of $791 million was almost double that of 2017 ($414 million), driven by a structural improvement in the global polyester chain
. convertible debenture or warrant, at the offering price lower than 90% of the market price of the Company’s share (4) When the Company makes partial or whole stock dividend payment to its shareholders. (5) When
disclose information of transaction’s detail as follows: 1. Date of transaction NDR will acquire wholly shares of FKRMM by issuing new ordinary shares to seller (CRSB) and paying partial cash. The payment
disclose information of transaction’s detail as follows: 1. Date of transaction NDR will acquire wholly shares of FKRMM by issuing new ordinary shares to seller (CRSB) and paying partial cash. The payment
ordinary shares to seller (CRSB) and paying partial cash. The payment will be made after the resolution of the Extraordinary General Meeting no.1/2018 which will be held on January 18, 2018.NDR expects to
โดยปกหนาของเอกสารและสวนของการลงนามรับรองความถูกตองของเอกสาร ใหระบุชื่อเอกสารรวมกันวา “แบบแสดงรายการขอมลูการเสนอขายตราสารหนี้และรางหนังสือชี้ชวน” โดยมีวิธีการสงขอมูล 2 แบบ ดังน้ี 3.3.1 Partial
2018 onwards. In 2Q18, revenue from sales stood at THB 1,351 mn (for the first six months of 2018, the figure stood at THB 1,567 mn), which primarily represents a partial transfer of unit ownership to
across sectors and geography due to (1) a severe outbreak of the current third wave starting since the end of March 2021 which could induce the government to enforce additional partial lockdown measures
investors, for instance, risk from procuring loan, risk from partial investment in a greenfield project or risk from concentration of lessees. 5. Legal Dispute Briefly describe legal dispute where REIT is a
2 แบบ ดงันี ้ 3.3.1 Partial paperless (Online+P*) : สง่ขอ้มลู Online โดยใช ้username/password ระดบั ผอ. ขึน้ไป พรอ้มทัง้ upload หนำ้ลงนำมรบัรองควำมถูกตอ้งที่มีลำยเซ็นจรงิ และน ำส่ง hard copy เฉพำะ