(indicator 34). Overall, this suggests companies may be using a board matrix that does not factor in ESG competency, and ESG competency is not an issue that is readily developed at board- level. In the SET 50
ทะเบียน เช่น takeover MT และ RPT ให้มีควำมชดัเจน เขำ้ใจง่ำย และไม่มีภำระเกินจ ำเป็น เพ่ือให้ผูท่ี้เก่ียวขอ้งสำมำรถ ปฏิบติัตำมไดอ้ยำ่งถูกตอ้ง 23 กำรปฏิรูปกฎเกณฑ ์(regulatory reform) ท่ีใชบ้งัคบักบัผูป้ระกอบ
น (Anti Takeover) ภายหลงัการแกไขพระราชบญัญัติดังกลาว คณะกรรมการกํากับตลาดทุนไดออกประกาศเพื่อ กําหนดหลักเกณฑรองรับการแกไขดังกลาวขางตนในชวงป พ.ศ. 2551 - พ.ศ. 2552 อยางไรก็ดี หลกัเกณฑในบาง
used to manipulate markets and to obtain control over a company without being subject to any takeover or disclosure regulations. Moreover, co- operation might also be for the purposes of circumventing
offering; (b) change in par value resulting in an increase or decrease in the amount of shares; (c) redemption of securities; (d) amalgamation, merger or takeover by making a tender offer; (e) distribution
par value resulting in an increase or decrease in the amount of shares; (c) redemption of securities; (d) amalgamation, merger or takeover by making a tender offer; (e) distribution of share dividends
capital increases shares to be allocated. Clause 5/3 3738 In cases where a listed company intends to make a tender offer to purchase securities for business takeover in concurrent with an offer for sale of
tender offer of shares, it shall be deemed that the Company has acquired shares of GLOW by means of the takeover via other juristic persons. The Company is thus required to calculate the cost of the
tender offer of shares, it shall be deemed that the Company has acquired shares of GLOW by means of the takeover via other juristic persons. The Company is thus required to calculate the cost of the
holds 54.16 percent of the shares in GLOW. According to the criteria of the SEC for the tender offer of shares, it shall be deemed that the Company has acquired shares of GLOW by means of the takeover via