”) ปัจจุบัน VGI และ PlanB ได้ร่วมกันสรรค์สร้ำง synergy ผ่ำนกำรรวมหน้ำจอสื่อโฆษณำดิจิทัลของทั ้ง 2 บริษัท ที่ครอบคลุมพื้นที่ในกรุงเทพมหำนครกว่ำ 80% ภำยใต้ชื่อแคมเปญ Bangkok Takeover ซึ่งในแต่ละเดือนทั้งเมืองจะ
or the Takeover Panel ( ) under letter No. dated ( ) under the resolution of the shareholders’ meeting dated ( ) is exempted from making a tender offer because (please specify
or the Takeover Panel ( ) under letter No. dated ( ) under the resolution of the shareholders’ meeting dated ( ) is exempted from making a tender offer because (please specify
or the Takeover Panel ( ) under letter No. dated ( ) under the resolution of the shareholders’ meeting dated ( ) is exempted from making a tender offer because (please specify
) ( ) will reduce its shareholdings in the business to be lower than the trigger point for a tender offer ( ) has been granted a waiver from making the tender offer by the Office or the Takeover Panel
the tender offer by the Office or the Takeover Panel ( ) under letter No. dated ( ) under the resolution of the shareholders’ meeting dated ( ) is exempted from making a tender offer
) ( ) will reduce its shareholdings in the business to be lower than the trigger point for a tender offer ( ) has been granted a waiver from making the tender offer by the Office or the Takeover Panel
) ( ) will reduce its shareholdings in the business to be lower than the trigger point for a tender offer ( ) has been granted a waiver from making the tender offer by the Office or the Takeover Panel
granted a waiver from making the tender offer by the Office or the Takeover Panel ( ) under letter No. dated ( ) under the resolution of the shareholders’ meeting dated ( ) is exempted
the tender offer by the Office or the Takeover Panel ( ) under letter No. dated ( ) under the resolution of the shareholders’ meeting dated ( ) is exempted from making a tender offer