Advisor to have opinions of the transactions including submitting such to Securities and Exchange Commission, the Stock Exchange of Thailand, and the Company’s shareholders. 4. Ratify for appointing AEC
million, or Baht 30.08 million increased from the same period last year due employee’s expenses increased by Baht 13.36 million which including salary, overtime, compensation, and social securities. The
, 2017 by T.A. Management Corporation (1999) Co., Ltd., an independent appraiser approved by the Office of Securities and Exchange Commission, is amounted to Baht 149,829,000. The details of the Assets are
securities held for trading THB 270.01 million, change in fair value of investments in securities held for trading THB 0.31 million and held-to-maturity investments THB 200 million. The Group has invested in
independence of the Internal Audit Office. 3. Review the performance of the Company to ensure compliance with the securities and exchange law, regulations of the Stock Exchange of Thailand or laws relating to
Securities Not applicable, as there is no issuance of securities as a consideration for the acquisition of assets 4. Details of the asset to be disposed: Increase share capital of WCIH Type of business: A
could be attributed to a decrease of Baht 221 million, or 2.08 percent in impairment loss on loans and debt securities and an increase of Baht 835 million, or 2.13 percent in net operating income which
Third Quarter Ended September 30, 2017, the company don’t have any dividend income, that effects the dividend revenue from the available for sale of securities investment decrease total 68.27 million Baht
หุน้กูไ้ม่ดอ้ย สทิธ ิไมม่หีลกัประกนัของบรษัิท เป็นระดบั “A” จากเดมิทีระดบั “A-” ทั $งนี$ การปรับเพิมขึ$นของอันดับเครดติสะทอ้นถงึมุมมองของทรสิเรทติ$งทีมตีอ่สถานะของบรษัิทกับ KGI Securities Co., Ltd. ในไต
หุน้กูไ้ม่ดอ้ย สทิธ ิไมม่หีลกัประกนัของบรษัิท เป็นระดบั “A” จากเดมิทีระดบั “A-” ทั $งนี$ การปรับเพิมขึ$นของอันดับเครดติสะทอ้นถงึมุมมองของทรสิเรทติ$งทีมตีอ่สถานะของบรษัิทกับ KGI Securities Co., Ltd. ในไต