securities and derivatives holding report (Form 59) Please enter search criteria Issuer Company -- Please select a company -- 2S METAL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED A.J. PLAST PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED AAPICO HITECH
securities and derivatives holding report (Form 59) Please enter search criteria Issuer Company -- Please select a company -- 2S METAL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED A.J. PLAST PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED AAPICO HITECH
securities and derivatives holding report (Form 59) Please enter search criteria Issuer Company -- Please select a company -- 2S METAL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED A.J. PLAST PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED AAPICO HITECH
securities and derivatives holding report (Form 59) Please enter search criteria Issuer Company -- Please select a company -- 2S METAL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED A.J. PLAST PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED AAPICO HITECH
the Securities Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) pursuant to the Tor Chor. 72/2558 Notification before offering the newly issued ordinary shares to ACO I. (Please see the details of ACO I, SSG III, and KG
ordinary shares on the Stock Exchange Of Thailand (the “SET”) (“Spin-Off Plan”) will take place after 1) EP has obtained the approval for offering newly issued share from the Office of the Securities and
to determine and finalize the value of SQL’s business by taking into consideration of the most benefits of the Company and in accordance with the relevant laws such as Securities and Exchange Act
value of real estate development cost amounted 2.9 million Baht. The previous year recorded 5.7 million Baht, and loss on impairment of investment in available-for-sale securities 1.2 million Baht. (8
งการใหค้วามเห็นชอบสัญญาร่วมบริหารงานของบริษัทหลักทรัพย์ ที อธ/น. 9/2541) (ดเูอกสารแนบ 1) 5. อนุมัตริายการทีเกียวโยงกันเกียวกับการเขา้ทําสญัญากับ KGI Securities Co. Ltd. (“KGI Taiwan”) ซึงเป็นผูถ้อืหุน้ ราย
category of transaction relating to assets or services since NMG is a controlling person of the Company in accordance with Section 89/1 of the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (1992) (as amended) (the