dated November 7, 2017 enforced the measurement “Holiday Shopping” in the last quarter of 2017 shall create positive atmosphere in spending money for retail business much more than normal time. Filter
)Q จากปีกอ่น และกําลงัพฒันาระบบ “AEON Riel Pay” ซึ%งเป็นระบบ E-money บน Mobile Application เพื%อให้ลกูค้าสามารถเติมเงินและยงัสามารถชําระเงินด้วยระบบ QR code ผา่นทาง Mobile Application ได้ที%ร้านคูค้่า
sector. Increase in money injection from public investment is expected due to historically large government capital budget as well as mega project investment to support Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC
Government as well as the Cabinet enforced the measurement “Holiday Shopping” at the end of Year shall create positive atmosphere in spending money for retail business much more than normal time; and shall be
invoice and collect the customer payment based on the invoicing plan. Mostly they will incur when collecting the money shortly after signing the contract. At the end of 2016 and 2017, the amount reported
เช่ือ J Money ของบริษัท เจ ฟนเทค จํากัด ได บันทึกไวเปนสวนหน่ึงของรายไดในรายไดน้ี 3. รายไดจากคาเชา เทากับ 708 ลานบาท เพิ่มข้ึนเทากับ 183 ลานบาท หรือรอยละ 34.9 เน่ืองจาก รายไดคาเชาจากเปด
[full] branch offices; (4) providing any channels for clients which they can make securities or derivatives trading order by themselves; (5) receiving or delivering money; (6) any other necessary or
consultation in head office or other [full] branch offices; (4) providing any channels for clients which they can make securities or derivatives trading order by themselves; (5) receiving or delivering money; (6
delivering money; (6) any other necessary or relevant matters as stipulated by the Notification of the SEC Office. For the operation of online branch office under the first paragraph, the intermediary may
delivering money; (6) any other necessary or relevant matters as stipulated by the Notification of the SEC Office. For the operation of online branch office under the first paragraph, the intermediary may