according to the recommendation of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee since they are knowledgeable and experienced, which would benefit to the Company’s operations 6. Propose to the 2020 Annual General
receivable aging and assessment of past debt collection experience. Accordingly, the Corporate Group has experienced very little bad debts and has not found any irregularity in 2017 and there was no bad debt
เกณฑ์ใหม่ตามสิ่งที่ส่งมาด้วย 4 3.2.2 experienced staff (1) การพิจารณาประสบการณ์การติดต่อและให้บริการลูกค้าในการ เสนอขาย product ร่วมกับคนขายมาไม่น้อยกว่า 10 ปี ในวันที่ประกาศมีผลใช้บังคับ สำนักงานจะ
โครงสร้างใหม่ไดต้ั้งแต่วนัท่ี 1 มกราคม 2561 เป็นตน้ไป โดยจะ สามารถขอความเห็นชอบเป็น IC plain ส าหรับรายละเอียดการใชผ้ลสอบเดิมเพื่อยืน่ขอความเห็นชอบ ตามหลกัเกณฑใ์หม่ตามส่ิงท่ีส่งมาดว้ย 4 3.2.2 experienced
Office may prescribe other conditions for the derivatives broker to comply with. Clause 10. The derivatives broker shall procure personnel who are knowledgeable, capable or experienced and who are
knowledgeable, capable or experienced and who are beneficial to the undertaking of the derivatives brokerage business in a sufficient number to accommodate the undertaking of the derivatives business in an
knowledgeable, capable or experienced and who are beneficial to the undertaking of the derivatives brokerage business in a sufficient number to accommodate the undertaking of the derivatives business in an
assessment of past debt collection experience. Accordingly, the Corporate Group has experienced very little bad debts and has not found any irregularity in 2019 and there was no bad debt in the past year 2018
analysis of accounts receivable aging and assessment of past debt collection experience. Accordingly, the Corporate Group has experienced very little bad debts and has not found any irregularity in 2018 and
debts which is based on the analysis of accounts receivable aging and assessment of past debt collection experience. Accordingly, the Corporate Group has experienced very little bad debts and has not