to be able to fully comply with the provisions under the Notifications on Connected Transactions, the Board of Directors thus deemed it appropriate to determine an additional condition for the bidding
200%. This is because of the expirations of additional 3 BOI certificates of Rayong Central Utility Plants and Sriracha Power Plant has fully utilized BOI benefits for tax exemption in 2017, causing the
bidding system. 1.2 Electricity industry in Asia-Pacific countries EGCO is fully aware of the limited growth prospect in domestic electricity industry. Therefore, EGCO determines business strategies to
10% of corporate income tax), and Sriracha Power Plant has fully utilized BOI benefits for tax exemption of 100% in 2017. ผลประกอบ การบริษัท Management Discussion & Analysis Management Discussion
สหภาพแรงงาน และการเปิดเผย ประวัติการซื้อขายหุ้นและราคาย้อนหลัง เป็นต้น 1 ผลการประเมินแบ่งเป็น 4 ล าดับ (เรียงจากสูงไปต่ า) ได้แก่ 1. fully implemented 2. broadly implemented 3. partly implemented และ 4. not
description of how the provisions of its code of conduct fully implement the provisions of the IOSCO Statement of Principles Regarding the Activities of Credit Rating Agencies and the IOSCO Code of Conduct
ทนุในตราสารที%มีสญัญาซื อขายล่วงหน้าแฝง (Structured note) 5. กองทนุมีนโยบายป้องกนัความเสี%ยงด้านอตัราแลกเปลี%ยนเงินเต็มจํานวน (Fully Hedge) และอาจป้องกนัความเสี%ยงจากอตัราดอกเบี ย 6. กองทนุอาจพิจารณาลง
Property Funds. “paid up capital” means the total amount of fully paid units. “related person” means a related person pursuant to the Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board concerning Rules on
approval for an offer for sale of newly issued sukuk, which certifies at least the followings; (a) the approval for sale of such sukuk has fully complied with the regulations prescribed by this Notification
established for the purpose of initial public offering by concurrently offering trust units and borrowing money through newly issued corporate bonds, and having a REIT manager who fully meets the following