automotive parts, painting, tooling and packaging for milk and yogurt increased from last year as many new products had started commercial sales. 2. The consolidated gross profit margin was 16.29%, decreased
sales of customer in oil packaging dropped from slacked domestic market and sales of customer in packaging for milk and yogurt segment dropped due to the contraction of export. For plastic automotive part
dropped from slacked domestic market during Quarter 3. However, the market situation started to recover in the late of the Quarter 4. Moreover, sales of customer in packaging for milk and yogurt segment
or 8.23% because many new products started commercial sales since late of year 2018 particularly sales of spray painting, automotive parts and packaging for milk and yogurt segment. However, sales of
for milk and yogurt and consumer was in steady state. 2. The consolidated gross profit margin was 13.48%, decreased from the same period of last year at 15.43% due to increase in plastic resin cost
สามญัของ Universal Worldwide Transportation Limited ในสัดส่วน ร้อยละ 80 ของจ านวนหุ้นสามญัทั้งหมด บริษทัจึงตอ้งมีการรับรู้รายได ้เขา้มาในงบการเงิน ท าให้รายไดจ้าก การบริการเพิ่มข้ึน ซ่ึงสามารถจ าแนก
parts industry and the plastic packaging for lubricants. However, the packaging of milk and yogurt was slightly affected and continued to grow from the dairy export market. While sales in China has
Worldwide Transportation Limited (“UWT”) จ านวน 80,000 หุน้ มูลค่าท่ีตราไวหุ้น้ละ 10 เหรียญดอลลาร์ฮ่องกง คิดเป็นร้อยละ 80 ของหุน้สามญัทั้งหมดของ UWT โดย UWT มี บริษทัยอ่ย คือ Guangzhou Universal Worldwide
.” The TCFD Recommendations assist companies worldwide in recognizing climate-related risks and opportunities and providing comprehensive climate-related financial information. They also allow companies
worldwide including Thailand to prevent the spread of Covid-19 outbreak. And the negative impact of Covid -19 pandemic on the shipping industry were getting goods stranded, not capable of being shipped in and