) - Water Infrastructure (2018) ENG THAI (unofficial) - Wind (2017) ENG THAI (unofficial) - Building (2018) ENG THAI (unofficial) - Solar (2013) ENG THAI (unofficial) - Solar V 2.1 ENG THAI (unofficial
) - Water Infrastructure (2018) ENG THAI (unofficial) - Wind (2017) ENG THAI (unofficial) - Building (2018) ENG THAI (unofficial) - Solar (2013) ENG THAI (unofficial) - Solar V 2.1 ENG THAI (unofficial
2016, since in 2017, the Company received large-scale projects that delayed from previous auctions such as internet for village project or internet for public domain, which is a high value project but
2016, since in 2017, the Company received large-scale projects that delayed from previous auctions such as internet for village project or internet for public domain, which is a high value project but
prevention making it possible to complete the project even more. In addition, the several large-scale projects were due for delivery in this quarter such as the Purchasing and Installation of Cloud Project of
quarter of 2017, RATCH-Australia Corporation Company Limited, a subsidiary, received Business Interruption Claim of Starfish Hill Wind Power Plant in the amount of Baht 36.85 million. In addition, in the 3
2 : คาความเสี่ยง ซ่ึงประกอบดวยคาความเสี่ยง 3 ประเภท คือ คาความเสี่ยงจากการเปลี่ยนแปลงของ ราคา (position risk) คาความเสี่ยงจากคูสัญญา (counterparty risk) และคาความเสี่ยงจากการกระจุกตวั (large
เสี่ยงจากคูสัญญา (counterparty risk) และคาความเสี่ยงจากการกระจุกตวั (large exposure risk) โดยใหบรษิัทแสดงรายการการคํานวณตามแบบรายงานรายละเอียดเงินลงทุน (สวนที่ 3) 4. ในการคํานวณคาความเสี่ยงประเภท
). 1.8 Commercial Operation Commencement under the Power Purchase Agreement of Mount Emerald Wind Farm in Australia On December 12, 2018, Mount Emerald Wind Farm Project, located in the north of Queensland
%, mainly due to the investment in several large-scale projects during the first half year 2020. Those large-scale projects were under operation, thus the cash and cash equivalents decreased. Inventories