/ 2022, the reason for the increasing revenue was increased the domestics and export selling volume as a result of a shortage of sweet corn because in year 2022 Sweet corn which is company's main raw
the price of main raw material which increased in accordance to the global market price. As a result, Thailand has the volume of exports of palm oil more than the same period of the last year. Although
trillion to Baht 5.06 trillion, support from REITs and property funds. Due to the global stock markets were volatile, both from the Fed's policy rate hike And economic uncertainty that made overall stock
debt as mentioned above and on lower cash and short-term investments. CPN emphasizes on the importance of effective management of its capital structure to be resilient towards the volatile money market
debt as mentioned above and on lower cash and short-term investments. CPN emphasizes on the importance of effective management of its capital structure to be resilient towards the volatile money market
ทบในเชิง ลบตอมลูคาเงินลงทุน รวมถึงกระทบตอสภาพคลองของกองทุน ความเสี่ยงจากการทําสัญญาซ้ือขายลวงหนาเพ่ือปองกันความเสีย่ง คือ สัญญาซื้อขายลวงหนาท่ีอาจมีการข้ึนลงผันผวน (Volatile) มากกวาหลักทรัพย
management of its capital structure to be resilient towards the volatile money market and capital market, as well as maintain its financing cost at an optimum level for its businesses going forward. Dividend
management of its capital structure to be resilient towards the volatile money market and capital market, as well as maintain its financing cost at an optimum level for its businesses going forward. (1
mentioned above and on lower cash and short-term investments. CPN emphasizes on the importance of effective management of its capital structure to be resilient towards the volatile money market and capital
trillion to Baht 5.06 trillion, support from REITs and property funds. Due to the global stock markets were volatile, both from the Fed's policy rate hike And economic uncertainty that made overall stock