Bangkok, October 15, 2009 ? The SEC is conducting a public consultation on the revision of rules on approval of securities business personnel to streamline and expedite the approval process in line
also extend to conducting survey through "Nida Poll" on the issues of capital market, financial literacy and investment behavior as well as production and publication of academic researches and papers
on MILL?s 2012 financial statements due to significant matter indicating that such transaction may not be considered conducting in a normal course of business. For the abdication of the right to
Bangkok, 13 November 2017 ? In response to the Ministry of Finance's request, the SEC is conducting another public hearing on the draft amendment to the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (1992
apply for an applicable license with SEC. In this regard, SEC adopts the regulations on business conducting for “Digital Asset Investment Advisor” and “Digital Asset Fund Manager” purporting to ensure
apply for an applicable license with SEC. In this regard, SEC adopts the regulations on business conducting for “Digital Asset Investment Advisor” and “Digital Asset Fund Manager” purporting to ensure
Bangkok, September 3, 2008 ? The SEC is conducting a public hearing on the draft regulations governing establishment and management of infrastructure funds in an effort to promote fund mobilization
. Vienna House has acquired a 50% stake in UBM+VH Hotels GmbH (UBM JV) for EUR 2.65mn or equivalent to THB 101.6mn for the purpose of carrying out hotel management services 13 September 2018: Vienna House
recognized their responsibilities as the directors of public company in carrying out their duties toward the shareholders, employees, and all stakeholders, in accordance with good corporate governance
business operations as soon as possible by reviewing its targets and carrying out the followings to be in line with the potential of various groups of marketing as follows. • Export market has been impacted