16.1% YoY, driven by C-Vitt, a strong No. 1 brand in the category, whose market share successfully booked a new record high of 31.3% (+580 bps YoY). Osotspa anticipated a stronger C-Vitt growth in 2H’20
. enjoyed continually high loan growth. In addition, Muang Thai Life Assurance PCL retained its leadership in the bancassurance business, holding the second largest market share in total premiums. To secure
ด่ตีำมสว่นที ่2 หมวด 2 ภำค 2 ของประกำศคณะกรรมกำรก ำกับตลำดทนุ ว่ำดว้ยกำรขออนุญำตและกำรอนุญำตใหเ้สนอขำยหุน้ทีอ่อกใหม ่(SPO เกณฑ ์fast track) ผูย้ืน่ค ำขอจะไดร้ับอนุญำตใหเ้สนอขำยหุน้ทีอ่อกใหมต่่อประชำชน
gather related documents and information. If any directors or executives of IFEC, past and present, are found to have been involved in any wrongdoings, the SEC will take prompt and swift legal actions
accessible, user-friendly, fast, and effective services.
energy drinks market share at 53.8%, aligned with our mid-term guidance, by using multi-brand portfolio and consumer-centric marketing strategy. In functional drinks market, C-Vitt also maintained its
> Regulations > Fundraising > Debt Instrument > Offering of debt securities by Thai government agencies Regulations SHARE : Detail Content Debt Securities Offering of Debt Securities by Thai Government
> Fundraising > Debt Instrument > Subordinated Instruments for Capital of Commercial Banks Regulations SHARE : Detail Content Debt Securities Subordinated Instruments for Capital of Commercial Banks ('Basel
the world’s large oil producers. Heavy sell-off of shares was evident, which triggered the “circuit breaker” of the Stock 8 Exchange of Thailand in order to temporarily suspend share trading for the
Public Company Limited (“NEWS”), an existing shareholder of GNET, at the price of Baht 865.30 per share, which the total price is 164,403,759.95 Baht and the obligation to repay accrued debt together with