, which helped support investors’ confidence. This is despite the fact that this factor, coupled with the stable policy rate, resulted in increased volatility in money and capital markets as well as foreign
Market Integration ? The SEC advised that the ASCO study possible impacts of ASEAN Capital Market Integration and adjust business plans or strategies in preparation for the integration which will enable
, the SEC encouraged TIA right protection volunteers to perform their roles efficiently at the AGMs. Solid assessment outcomes reflect the success arising from all parties? strong effort and cooperation
of funds. The Federation of Thai SME advocates to be the solid network for SMEs in Thailand. We facilitate the connection among SME entrepreneurs across the country so that they can help each other
cooperation of SEC, considered that a strong capital market infrastructure which process capability to support the changing economy and digital society could provide a solid foundation for further development
1.50 percent for almost all of 2018 to accommodate domestic economic activity, which is continuing along a stable recovery path. 1.2 Banking Industry and Competition In the second quarter of 2018
is in accordance with the Company’s plan. Nevertheless, in the future, in order to increase the efficiency and competitiveness of the Company, SUTGH may reconsider and adjust the management plan
) (4.8%) 23.8 24.3 0.5 2.1% Adder 28.1 32.8 30.4 32.3 1.9 6.3% 132.0 123.6 (8.4) (6.4%) Other sales and service income 11.8 15.6 14.4 13.9 (0.5) (3.5%) 50.5 55.7 5.2 10.3% Sales from Municipal Solid Waste
%) 55.7 58.5 2.8 5.0% Sales from Municipal Solid Waste Power Plants 126.4 129.6 112.3 118.6 6.3 5.6% 503.2 486.9 (16.3) (3.2%) Sales of electricity - Base tariff and Ft 5.0 5.3 5.0 4.7 (0.3) (6.0%) 20.0
value-added services and innovative products tailored to customer demands for fast, stable internet, along with enhanced home experiences through content bundles and IoT add- ons. Enterprise services have