. Marketing expenses declined significantly by -12%YoY from lower activities during lockdown, while admin and other expenses dropped -5.5%YoY from shop rental saving during lock down and one-time legal
maintained as we started to see improvements on consumption with the shop re- openings since Sep-21 with the lifting of lockdown measures. Our network capex remains between 25-30bn to ensure that we continued
LUGGAW fruit shop at Marketplace, Nanglinchee Community Mall to meet the current customer demands, which focuses more on health- conscious products. The Company enhance growth through introducing new brand
1"" 10 J0% non-progressive rate 4. large exposure risk 4 1 "'(0 $ R )' #). (#%I#0# 4 E3K$1. (#%I#0# 4!4 .&. .&.+#-! .&. (#%I#0# 4 3' J00' % /0."). 3 1 .. 54 60 " 10 : ' # Large exposure risk
register via SMS or AEON Thai Mobile Application or website in order to redeem the premiums and vouchers, “AEON Shop Smart” campaign, and cash back campaign. In September 2019, the Company launched Visa
เพิม่ขึน้ เชน่การขายแบบ pop-up store, Mini Shop ทีส่ านักงานใหญ่ ชอ่งทางอี คอมเมริซ์ เป็นตน้ ในชว่งทีผ่่านมา บรษัิทไดม้กีารจัดกจิกรรมดา้นการตลาดเพื่อดงึดดูลกูคา้และรักษายอดขาย รวมทัง้เนน้การขาย สนิคา้ทีเ่ป็น
expenses mainly comprise market survey expenses and rental expenses for Namu Life Shop Administrative Expenses The Company’s administrative expenses for the years ended 31 December 2018 and 2019 were THB
cardholders to convert the transaction from full payment to installment payment for up to 10 months, “AEON Gift 2017” AEON cardholders register via website or SMS in order to redeem the premiums, “AEON Shop
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via online channels and also offer more discount and convenience to our customers. The AEON Shop More Get More Campaign which offering a cash back through accumulated spending via AEON credit cards up